Sunday, March 20, 2011

Subic Summer Adventure - Part 1

Despite the Nuclear Radiation scare in Japan, global anticipation of a series of earthquakes affecting countries in the Pacific Ring of Fire (including the Philippines) and La Nina threats due to progressing climate change, there is one thing for sure --- summer is officially here.

For once, I'd like to forget these talks about these glaring realities or senseless fears of doomsday and just enjoy summer the way we are all supposed to since we were kids: going out there and frolicking in the sun!

Some things on top of my mind include and strongly recommend are:


The former US Naval Base has transformed itself into a major tourist destination and adventure haven.

Go carting is one pasttime you can enjoy in the sun with friends if you are speed crazy like me. One of the key places to check is Le'mans Go Kart Track.

Le'Mans opens daily 10am-8pm.

Going for my second win.

Speeding past Paul Ejercito, another go kart enthusiast.

Chatting up Paul Ejercito while trying to overtake him.

Finishing some of the curves of the track. Ibang saya!

Paul trailing behind me at the finish line.

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