Tuesday, May 18, 2010

National Geographic Earth Day Run: Merzy's Notes

"Kaya ko kaya?"

I asked my friend Angie who I ran with together with her sister Marilou. My apprehension came from prior race experience this year, barely a month prior to the NatGeo Earth Run. I felt my toenails almost died when we participated in the last company fun run along the Roxas Boulevard from the impact of running.

I blamed the runned down asphalt along the Westin Philippine Plaza and PICC. I blamed my old Nike RunAir shoes. I blamed my weight - I was too out of shape from my old running self from too much paper work, free food from meetings and sleep depravation. The truth was, I lacked the preparation for the run. I visited the gym and ran the threadmill three days before the race. I should thank my lucky stars, I did not collapsed or suffered any muscle cramps during the race unlike other runners. In times like this being a fishivore helps a lot [NB: Thank you Omega 3 for the much needed oxygen haha.]

Lunchbreak of April 16: Angie and I went to the Mall of Asia (Timex Shop) to register. Another friend, Leng Martinez, already decided not to join because gun start for the run was 5:55 a.m.. It's too early on a lazy Sunday morning for her. She said. Me too, I thought but seeing my thighs looking like illegally cut logs from Isabela I tagged along with Angie. "Sige na nga". What is one Sunday if it would mean cellulite free legs for life. Since it would be for a good cause, Angie and I decided to pursue running. I could not believe the line of people wanting to register. They came in groups --- mostly registering in 3K and 5K categories. Since demand was high, we ran out of shirts our sizes so we end up having grey ones with "L" label.

Noticing the sad look on our faces, the staff offered to register us under the 10K category since medium sizes were still available and the color was black. "Ganda kayo sa black Ma'am kasi maputi kayo...", his words were syrupy sweet for a 10K torture. I am already half-persuaded to register in the 10K but my friend Angie felt, we should still stay in our categories for now since we stopped running for a long time. "OK", I said. We went home, not happy with our running shirts, but excited about the race.

April 17, 8:30 p.m.: Watched the teaser ad of the NatGeo race in the National Geographic channel emphasizing that it was a run for the environment and to denounce the repeat of similar devastations of Typhoons Ondoy ("Ketsana") and Pepeng ("Parma"). I stopped bitching about my oversized shirt and went to sleep after 30 mins of sit ups and stretching exercises at the foot of my bed.

April 18, 4:30 a.m.: I woke up and had my big breakfast of bread, cereals and saging tundan (good for preventing muscle cramps. banana is a staple food for runners). I quickly showered and changed into my running clothes.

5:00 a.m.: I'm still looking for my old running shoes in the shoe rack completely forgotten I brought it upstairs before going to bed. My kitten, Benouch, decided to make himself comfy inside my shoe and brought it underneath the bed. Far, far underneath the bed. In trying to pull it out, I felt a muscle twitched but ignored it since I am not sure how fast I could drive from my place to MOA in 55 minutes. Mentally, I was already counting the stop lights and pot holes on the way and alloting at least 5 minutes each. Things you do to get fit. Hayyy!

5:15 a.m.: I counterflowed half of the trip along Alabang-Zapote Road and prayed dearly that I make it. I was pushing 90kmph, I needed to make it. But my gas is nearing the dreaded "E". I was torn pushing it and drive it on reserve but realizing that gas stations were located along Macapagal if I push it. I could gone empty along Emilio Aguinaldo expressway. I imagined the red siren lights, the wrecker truck of PNCC. No, that would be too embarrassing. I stopped in the closest gas station and had my car filled. 5, 10... I was ready to snapped at the service attendant who was probably half asleep and taking his sweet time in filling up my tank. Sweet Lord, I need to be a speed racer to make it. I almost forgot my receipt in my haste.

5:35 a.m.: I drove past the iconic revolving globe replica of MOA going to IMAX where we'll clock in for the run. There were a lot of people already --- spectators, men placing the markers and the cones, police officers and guards --- they were just everywhere. It was semi-pandemonium of morning rush. They did not allow me to pass through because of the run. "I am one of the runners!", I wanted to shout out of exasperation but I smiled and asked the route where I can park. It's bad for my system to loose too much steam early on. My eyes were getting bigger when the police told me where I can park. San Miguel by the Bay? That's at least 15 minutes away from IMAX, parking and walking. But I had no choice...

5:54 a.m.: I made it by running like a mad woman and I'm exhausted already when the race has not even gun started. "Things you do to get fit". "Cellulite free legs for life, yes!" "I can do it!" These were the consoling thought bubbles running through my head. Gez, I was too far out and there were at least 2,000 runners in our category. Where is Angie and her sister? I am exhausted and alone in a crowd. It was a bummer but the idea of quitting after all that pain is non-negotiable.

5:55 a.m.: Gun start. Runners dashed off. I paced myself since I had my fair share of furious run from San Miguel by the Bay to IMAX. "Where is the water station?"
6:00 a.m.: I found my rhythm and started to enjoy the run. Circling MOA and going past that Petron station in Macapagal and back seems daunting but kind of fun and doable. I kept pushing but I was a little bit distracted by large tarpolins advertising sale dates.

6:20 a.m.: I ran past Angie and greeted her. Told her that will wait for her at the finish line. I have not seen her sister yet. Maybe already far out.

6:25 a.m.: Stopped for nourishment at the water station. Stretched and enjoy seeing some runners wearing funny outfits for a statement. There was this lady in Goth black attire with a flag saying, "Girls who break rules, rocks!" Things you do to get fit. I smiled and ran along.

7:37 a.m.: Reached the finished line. I finished the race and clocked in at 43:27. I was drenched and exhausted but without too much muscle cramps. Maybe being in shopping haven is therapeutic in a way for me. Out of my best time but still within the 30-45 range under my category. I felt good I was able to run commercial races again. My first for 2010.

Angie and her sister finished around 51 and 55 minutes later. I enjoyed waiting for them by celebrity watching. Karylle and Maricel Laxa were really fit. So is Illac Diaz, who came because SECON was one of the sponsors.

We had our breakfast in McDonald's near Fitness First with Maricel Laxa's kids, her mom Mrs. Ilagan and Bing Loyzaga's kids (who ran in 3K categories) in a nearby table.

We enjoyed the rest of the sunshine and the morning breeze until around 8:00 a.m. before we head home. As I start my car's engine, I was humming U2's "Beautiful Sunday" in my head. I will deal about that twist on my ribs later.

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