Sunday, January 18, 2009

MJ's 2nd Birthday Party

MJ blowing candles with Papa and Ate Czarlhet

Other guests: Tito Carlo and Tito Paulo

MJ: "Tita, mamya na tayo pose...antok pa ako"

Czarlhet and MJ: "Tagal naman ni Papa."

With bestfriends, Rina and Pam and her daughter, Drei

MJ trying Tita's goldilocks head dress

MJ clowning with Ate Drei

MJ with Mama

Gabe with Mom and Dad

Daffy, my makulit at moody godchild (she also has some wild curls hehe)

MJ's BDAY cake with fave cartoon friend --- Mickey Mouse

Ate Czarlhet and Ate Brianna in bikes (Tita Merzy's at the background)

Drei and Mommy Pam
MJ and Lola

MJ and Ate Brennia: loveteam

Ate Brennia posing for Tita Merzy

Brennia and Czarlhet

Brianna on bike

Ate Brennia, little miss sunshine, playing with Milky

MJ and Ate Czarlhet posing at the cake
It has been our tradition that we are together for the holidays. My married brothers come home with their family and spend Christmas with us and some cousins also come for a visit. The house is always a riot with kid's toys and shrieking little voices but it is always filled with good memories. After Christmas, they go home to spend New Year's in their place so MJ's birthday is normally spent either in their place or outside in a restaurant. This year, we decided to host it at home and as one of his de facto godmothers, I led the preparations and invitations. Boy, it was tiring but fun! He even had a slumber party afterwards with more than 20 kids (mostly coursins and friends.)

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