Monday, January 19, 2009

A Day in the Life of My Cats

Matilda, leaving the dead mice on top of my mother's slippers

Animal biologists and veterinarians explained that cats, unlike dogs, do not live in packs and mostly individualists. Although they do not necessarily recognize pack structures, they see their pet owners as family members. If your cat kills a bird, a cockroach or a mice (Matilda's expertise) and brings it home and drops at your slipper (normally to pet owners that feed them) --- experts believe that it is their way of honoring you by having you share in the kill. Instead of shrieking and scolding the cat like my mother always does when she finds carcasses in her slippers and favorite chair, pet the cat and simply dispose the dead bodies and do not allow them to roam in your bedroom unattended (Imagine, sleeping with a dead cockroach or mice on your pillow).

Pochai, an avid hunter, normally bites her prey on the neck. She normally hunts outside and brings it home as an offering to my mother.

Matilda, showing her prey to her sister Pochai, which has been snoozing off in their cat house (grey fixture with holes in the background)

I grew up in a household always filled with animals (we even had a piglet for a pet before) and we make an effort to be an educated owner by having them vaccinated, giving them proper care (buying them a suitable home to play with) and nutrition, training them and letting them live fuller lives (kung trip nilang manghuli ng mga bubuwit, ipis at langaw sa kanto at kapitbahay, fine...). We just make sure they don't kill our neighbor's pets (small birds).

Sugar, my pusakal turned housecat adoptee, the queen mother of my golden cats

Golden sisters, Matilda and Pochai, are both skilled hunters and they like stalking passing small animals outdoors.

Our obese neighbor's cat, Garfield, whose not afraid of firecrackers. Sugar's lover and father of Bruno, Matilda and Pochai

Sugar had another batch of litters but Pochai wrestles the small ones for her mother's milk: BABY DAMULAG!