Sunday, September 13, 2009

Birthday Dinner at Amici Restaurant

Amici Signage.

Kay and I decided to hold our joint birthday blowout dinner at the Amici Restaurant beside Don Bosco School in the corner of Chino Roces Avenue (formerly Pasong Tamo) and A. Arnaiz Avenue last September 11. [Note: Not to commemorate the horrific 9/11 attacks of the Al-Qaeda in 2001 or silent protest for Imelda Marcos' award from CCP but just plain coincidence that we are all available to dine and have fun. ]

I recommended the place since I used to eat here with family members after hearing mass at the Don Bosco church few years back (when Amici really feels like a school canteen then... ha ha). Further, the place has a laid back ambiance, quite unassuming and a 'homey' feel to it compared to other posh restaurants in Makati where you have to dress up and pay too much without getting what you want in terms of food 'gusto'.

It was also raining cats and dogs so it makes sense that we spend the night with good food, jovial mood and heartfelt conversations.

And, Amici never fails to meet my expectations of a simple but tasteful dining experience.

Birthday girls: Merzy (Sep 2) and Kay (Sep 12)
Posing for posterity while waiting for the rest of our orders: Pristine, Kay and I

The boys with the former SPRG muse (L-R): Fran, Gen and Zacky

Kay and I at the Gelati Counter

The ladies (L-R): Gen, Lilian, Pristine, Kay, Merzy and Am

My new pasta favorite: Spaghetti Red Vongole E Gamberetti.
Masisinghot mo lang sa sarap! (Di ba, Fran?)

Insalata Di Caesare or assortment of greens served with Caesar salad dressing and croutons. Yum but bitin ang servings for people who were goats in their past lives.

Quattro Stagioni - Four seasons of pizza flavors such as ham, mushrooms, artichoke hearts and black olives. Healthy and refreshing but hanggang doon lang...

Kay's choice: Cookies 'n Cream Gelati

My choice for the day: Guianduia Gelati or Choco Hazelnut Gelato on a Waffle Cup.

I feel like inside Willy Wanka's Chocolate Factory. Only that, my choices would be a wide array of yummy gelati (original recipe came from Salesian friars of Don Bosco of Italy).

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Spurring Economic Growth

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) released a contentious forecast recently that the country's economic growth would be flat (as in ZERO?!?) for 2009. To spur the domestic economy, we decided to spend our money (since investing is so traumatic watching the bloodbath of reds in world's indices) and eat to our heart's content at our favorite resto: Saisaki.

The girls were all smiles after an afternoon of sushi and tempura (YUM!).

The entire SPRG group (clockwise seated): Merzy, Pristine, Am and Fran (clockwise standing) Gen, Kay, Lilian, Zacky, Daisy and Lynn

Monday, January 19, 2009

A Day in the Life of My Cats

Matilda, leaving the dead mice on top of my mother's slippers

Animal biologists and veterinarians explained that cats, unlike dogs, do not live in packs and mostly individualists. Although they do not necessarily recognize pack structures, they see their pet owners as family members. If your cat kills a bird, a cockroach or a mice (Matilda's expertise) and brings it home and drops at your slipper (normally to pet owners that feed them) --- experts believe that it is their way of honoring you by having you share in the kill. Instead of shrieking and scolding the cat like my mother always does when she finds carcasses in her slippers and favorite chair, pet the cat and simply dispose the dead bodies and do not allow them to roam in your bedroom unattended (Imagine, sleeping with a dead cockroach or mice on your pillow).

Pochai, an avid hunter, normally bites her prey on the neck. She normally hunts outside and brings it home as an offering to my mother.

Matilda, showing her prey to her sister Pochai, which has been snoozing off in their cat house (grey fixture with holes in the background)

I grew up in a household always filled with animals (we even had a piglet for a pet before) and we make an effort to be an educated owner by having them vaccinated, giving them proper care (buying them a suitable home to play with) and nutrition, training them and letting them live fuller lives (kung trip nilang manghuli ng mga bubuwit, ipis at langaw sa kanto at kapitbahay, fine...). We just make sure they don't kill our neighbor's pets (small birds).

Sugar, my pusakal turned housecat adoptee, the queen mother of my golden cats

Golden sisters, Matilda and Pochai, are both skilled hunters and they like stalking passing small animals outdoors.

Our obese neighbor's cat, Garfield, whose not afraid of firecrackers. Sugar's lover and father of Bruno, Matilda and Pochai

Sugar had another batch of litters but Pochai wrestles the small ones for her mother's milk: BABY DAMULAG!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

MJ's 2nd Birthday Party

MJ blowing candles with Papa and Ate Czarlhet

Other guests: Tito Carlo and Tito Paulo

MJ: "Tita, mamya na tayo pose...antok pa ako"

Czarlhet and MJ: "Tagal naman ni Papa."

With bestfriends, Rina and Pam and her daughter, Drei

MJ trying Tita's goldilocks head dress

MJ clowning with Ate Drei

MJ with Mama

Gabe with Mom and Dad

Daffy, my makulit at moody godchild (she also has some wild curls hehe)

MJ's BDAY cake with fave cartoon friend --- Mickey Mouse

Ate Czarlhet and Ate Brianna in bikes (Tita Merzy's at the background)

Drei and Mommy Pam
MJ and Lola

MJ and Ate Brennia: loveteam

Ate Brennia posing for Tita Merzy

Brennia and Czarlhet

Brianna on bike

Ate Brennia, little miss sunshine, playing with Milky

MJ and Ate Czarlhet posing at the cake
It has been our tradition that we are together for the holidays. My married brothers come home with their family and spend Christmas with us and some cousins also come for a visit. The house is always a riot with kid's toys and shrieking little voices but it is always filled with good memories. After Christmas, they go home to spend New Year's in their place so MJ's birthday is normally spent either in their place or outside in a restaurant. This year, we decided to host it at home and as one of his de facto godmothers, I led the preparations and invitations. Boy, it was tiring but fun! He even had a slumber party afterwards with more than 20 kids (mostly coursins and friends.)

Sunday, January 11, 2009

OSPD Yuletide Costume Party

SPRG Staff in Costume: Xmas Elves, Mulan, Mickey Mouse, Goldilocks, Maleficent, Anime Princess and Dark Fairy

Posing for posterity

Tita Dory, as the Wizzard, giving her Christmas Message

Laila, resident evil character, won in the 'Most Daring' category. Laila and I, posing for Lyn's lenses

With Chiqui as Olive Oil

Henyong Pinoy Game with Participants: Rambo, Older Mulan, Xmas Elf (Cutest Costume) and Young Mulan

Am as Alice in Wonderland

Gen as an anime character (at siyempre anime, di namin alam. Pero, nanalo pa rin siya ng 'Most Creative Costume'. Although most of us thought na contender din siya for 'Most Daring')

Maleficent and Sophie, the fairy

Naruto (Rey) and Goldilocks (Me) hosting the event

Lyn as Mickey Mouse

The Christmas Elves (Ms. Lilian and Boss Zacky) with Ms. Santa (Waya)

Mickey and Minnie Mouse

Angie as Helena of Zorro

Kay as one of the dark fairies of Barbitopia

Pristine as Maleficent (Sleeping Beauty), winner of 'Best Costume'

It was a landmark Christmas Party celebration for the OSPD officers and staff since it was the first that we have a theme and everyone came out in a costume for the merry-making.

The food and the venue were simple but it was a day filled with laughter, fun and bitter sweet memories (we said goodbye to Sir Fil Duman, who transferred back to ED ).