Wednesday, August 20, 2008

When Strangers Became Family: Best APG Bondings

APG Members with PGMA

We all met at the PICC during the Asia Pacific Group Conference on Anti-Money Laundering in 2006. A significant milestone with the Philippines' removal from the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) blacklist. The event was keynoted by no less than PGMA. We served as liaison officers for the Anti-Money Laundering Council of the Philippines.

Thad and Pearl: Certified APG Loveteam!
While the event was generally successful, it had its share of logistical nightmare: lost flights, missing delegates and annoying executives. From these constraints, our plain his and hellos turned into whining banters, to extended chats and finally into meaningful conversations.

With Venus, Thad and Sir Toby at Josephine's

We hanged out a lot even after the conference. Initially just to catch up on each other but later turned out into a regular social exercise.

One of mga biglaang dinners with Sir Toby, our Jedi master

The sense of family is not exclusive to blood relations. Extended affiliations with strangers can blossom into meaningful friendships that are similarly founded on love, trust and joyous camaderie definitive of any family unit.

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